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Pizza al Trancio with cherry tomatoes, olives and artichokes

Since recently there has been some talk about bloggers' getting payed or sponsored, I better just say that I didn't get payed, not receive canned tomatoes for writing this :-).  As it happens tomatoes are not in season in New Zealand (you can buy them, of course, but they taste bad, are very expensive, and I don't know where they come from). So I use Italian canned tomatoes from Mutti. As a matter of fact I have been using Mutti since I left Italy, when I could find it, that is! It was ok in London, more difficult in Japan, and now I can get it in New Zealand and my pantry is a bit like the one of an Italian immigrant: dry pasta and canned tomatoes better came from Italy!

For this pizza slab I used the canned cherry tomatoes. I made the base (recipe here) but also added a tbsp of wheat gluten (these days I find that High grade flour is not 'strong' enough for making pizza). After 2-3 hours I rolled the dough on a large baking tray, then I put the canned cherry tomatoes on top. This way when the dough rises the tomatoes stick to their places. If you put them on just before baking they may roll off.

After 30 minutes (the dough had risen quite a bit) I added the tomato juice from the can, salt, olive oil and oregano. I baked the pizza in the oven at 240°C for 15 minutes, then I added black olives, cheese (I used edam, as I didn't have mozzarella) and artichokes in oil. I put the pizza back into the oven for other 10 minutes. Ready!

Photos and Recipes by Alessandra Zecchini ©


  1. I love how thick this crust is. I could seriously eat this all up.

  2. :-), it is a 90 cm oven tray... but you can try!

  3. Hello lovely, looks rustic and wonderfully yummy

  4. La tua pizza ha un aspetto meraviglioso! Non ho mai provato ad aggiungere i pomodorini, appena li trovo voglio provare. Ho letto la ricetta della base, sai dirmi quanto pesa in grammi, più o meno, il lievito e se è fresco o secco?
    Ti abbraccio!

  5. Ciao Dana, uso il lievito di birra secco in granuli, quello che si scioglie nell'acqua calda. Sai che non l'ho mai pesato??? Vado a cucchiaini, saranno 10 grammi circa. Il fatto e' che qui i lettori vano molto a cucchiai e cucchiaini e non amano molto le misure piccole, a meno che non siano veramente appassionati di panificazione (pochi!).



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