I know that it is not season for kale, but we got quite a few seeds from the NewWorld's series Little Garden, and now I have plenty of curly kale! I like it but not as much as cavolo nero, but it is the best to make kale chips!
I had to wash the leaves 7 times (that was my Mother's 'magic' number when I was little and my job was to wash the salad!) to remove all the little bugs from the curls! After spinning the leaves I placed them on a oven tray lined with baking paper, bushed them with olive oil and sprinkled them with salt. I baked them for about 10-15 minutes (until they looked crispy and dark green). They taste a little like roasted seaweed. A yummy snack!
Garden flowers of the day: hydrangeas!

Photos and Recipes by Alessandra Zecchini ©
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